


On the master side, the DS8500 can be part of the master modem that resides either on the central control unit or the handheld HART communicator. Figure 8 shows the master-side configuration. In this case, the DS8500 communicates to the PC through an RS-232 serial port. The HART protocol is usually supported by software that can be installed on the computer.Figure 8. DS8500 on the master side of HART communication. D_IN receives data from the microcontroller's UART. D_OUT transmits data to the UART. Active-low RST is the DS8500 reset. OCD is a carrier-detect signal that determines a FSK signal with a valid amplitude at the input of the demodulator.Figure 8. DS8500 on the master side of HART communication. D_IN receives data from the microcontroller's UART. D_OUT transmits data to the UART. Active-low RST is the DS8500 reset. OCD is a carrier-detect signal that determines a FSK signal with a valid amplitude at the input of the demodulator.


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