


机械工具 Mechanic's Tools

spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench)

double-ended spanner 双头扳子

adjustable spanner, monkey wrench 活扳子,活络扳手

box spanner 管钳子 (美作:socket wrench)

calipers 卡规

pincers, tongs 夹钳

shears 剪子

wire cutters 剪线钳

multipurpose pliers, universal pliers 万能手钳

adjustable pliers 可调手钳

punch 冲子

drill 钻

chuck 卡盘

scraper 三角刮刀

reamer 扩孔钻

calliper gauge 孔径规

hacksaw 钢锯

rivet 铆钉

nut 螺母

locknut 自锁螺母,防松螺母

bolt 螺栓

pin, peg, dowel 销钉

washer 垫圈

staple U形钉

grease gun 注油枪

oil can 油壶

jack 工作服


抛光 polishing

安装 to assemble

扳手 wrench

半机械化 semi-mechanization; semi-mechanized

半自动滚刀磨床 semi-automatic hob grinder

半自动化 semi-automation; semi-automatic

备件 spare parts

边刨床 side planer

变速箱 transmission gear

柄轴 arbor

部件 units; assembly parts

插床 slotting machine

拆卸 to disassemble

超高速内圆磨床 ultra-high-speed internal grinder

车床 lathe; turning lathe

车刀 lathe tool

车轮车床 car wheel lathe

车削 turning

车轴 axle

衬套 bushing



[词典] [化] service equipment; service equipmentSE; servicing installation; [经] servicing facilities;


Remove the ground support and maintenance equipment, the special and standard tools and all other items.


common tools

常用 in common use

工具 tool; means; implement; appl ...

常用工具栏 normal toolbar

常用服装专用工具 equipment and tools

备用工具 outfit

调整用工具 setting tool

锻造用工具 blacksmiths tool; forging tool; smithing tool

多用工具 all-purpose instrument

好用工具 goodies

夹紧用工具 clamping tool

建筑用工具 building implement

矿工用工具 miner's tool

伸张用工具 stretcher

实用工具 bcputilitybcp; utility

实用工具包 practical tool kit



screws 螺丝
?tape measure 卷尺
?screwdriver 螺丝刀
?bolts 螺栓
?saw 锯子
?washers 垫圈
?nuts 螺母
?hammer 锤子
?wrench 扳手
?nails 钉子
?utility knife 工具刀
?toolbox 工具箱
?level 水平
?sledgehammer 大锤
??drill 钻孔机
??tape 胶带
??c-clamp C形夹


ul concussions in the atmosphere,


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