
Energy-saved Air conditioning

Air conditioning is the removal of heat from indoor air for thermal comfort.

In another sense,the term can refer to any form of cooling,heating,ventilation,or disinfection that modifies the condition of air.[1] An Energy-saved air conditioner (often referred to as AC or air con.) is an appliance,system,or machine designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area (used for cooling as well as heating depending on the air properties at a given time),typically using a refrigeration cycle but sometimes using evaporation,commonly for comfort cooling in buildings and motor vehicles.


空调即空气调节(air conditioner),是指用人工手段,对建筑/构筑物内环境空气的温度、湿度、洁净度、速度等参数进行调节和控制的过程。一般包括冷源/热源设备,冷热介质输配系统,末端装置等几大部分和其他辅助设备。

Air conditioner is air conditioning (air conditioner), refers to the use of artificial means of regulation and control, the process of building / to build the environment of air in the temperature, humidity, cleanliness, speed and other parameters. Generally includes the source of cold / heat source equipment, hot and cold medium transmission and distribution system, terminal device such as a few parts and other auxiliary equipment.


Airconditioner-a working recycle.



空调 Air-conditioner

Air-conditioner is a kind of machine used at home, at the office or in the shopping hall and any other places. It is designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area. Air-conditioner is used for cooling and sometimes heating depending on the air properties at a given time to create more favourable conditions. It's frequently used during in the hot summer. In the north of China, it's used for heating in the cold winter. I like air-conditioner in the summer days and nights. Once it turns on, the cool air will spread all over the room and I don't want to leave there anymore.










1.Although the cottage was somewhat old-fashioned, the agent who rent the place to them was keen to advocate that they should not install air-conditioning as they could air-condition the place by opening the skylights.



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